Perten降落数值仪 | PerkinElmer


谷物和面粉中α-淀粉酶活性测定的国际标准方法。Perten Falling Number®系统测量谷物和面粉中的α-淀粉酶活性,以检测发芽损伤、优化面粉酶活性并保证交易谷物的稳定性。α-淀粉酶活性对面包、面团、面条和麦芽的最终产品质量至关重要。任何处理小麦、大麦、黑麦或高粱与这些应用相关的人都将受益于该Falling Number系统。

该方法由ICC、CGA、ISO和ASBC等国际机构在以下标准中进行了标准化:ICC/No. 107/1 (1968), AACC/No. 56-81.03 (1972), ISO/No. ISO/DIS 3093 (1974) 和 ASBC Barley 12-A。

世界标准 - Perten降落数值仪是唯一根据国际标准AACC/No.56-81.03、ICC/No.107/1、ISO/DIS 3093经过降落数值测试验证的仪器。




  • 粮食贸易过程中降落数值




  • 面粉加工和烘焙中降落数值




  • 面食和面条制造中降落数值


  • 麦芽制造领域中的降落数值



    • FN>250优质大麦,批次可供食用
    • FN<250预发芽。发芽不良的风险,需要进一步的测试。


Falling Number in …

Grain Trade

In years with rainy weather during harvest, significant sprout damage may occur. In such years every truckload of grain should be tested at elevators and grain intakes before unloading and risk mixing loads of sound grain with sprout damaged grain. Damaged grain can be rejected or segregated for use in animal feed or for other non-baking purposes such as biofuel. Segregation is important as a few percent of highly sprouted grain mixed with sound grain can render the entire mixture unsuitable for bread making or other end product purposes. Segregation also allows for a careful blending of grains to meet Falling Number specifications - particularly at the flour mill. 

The Falling Number value can vary from 62 seconds for heavily sprouted grain to well over 400 seconds for some specific varieties of wheat. Segregation limits vary from country to country and depend on the end-use purpose of the grain. In the EU, the limit for intervention of bread (common) wheat is a minimum Falling Number of 220 seconds. Segregation limits at 250, 300 and even 350 seconds are commonly used by exporting countries for wheat and durum. Limits are lower for rye with segregation below or above the 110-140 seconds' range. 

The Falling Number value is used in price regulations for payment to farmers or traders in national and international trade and for verifying trade contract quality specifications. Damaged wheat can receive a 10-30% lower price causing significant economic losses to the farmer or grain trader. 

Flour Milling and Baking

A certain amount of alpha-amylase is necessary for proper baking. Alpha-amylase breaks down starches to provide sugars to fuel the fermentation process for leavened breads. The amount of enzyme present can have a direct bearing upon the quality of bread produced. When the alpha-amylase activity is right, a high-volume bread with firm and soft texture is achieved (FN = 250 in picture). If the activity is too high, a sticky bread crumb and low volume may result (FN = 62 in picture). If the activity is too low, a dry bread crumb with diminished volume may result (FN = 400 in picture). The Falling Number value has an inverse relationship with the alpha-amylase activity meaning the higher the alpha-amylase activity the lower the Falling Number value, and vice-versa. 

Millers use the Falling Number value to produce products with desired Falling Number values. They blend flours of various Falling Number values or add malt to produce a product with a specific amylase activity.   

The Falling Number value desired will be dependent on the type of product to be produced. Breads flours will have different Falling Number requirements than those of cracker flours. Bakers may use the Falling Number to dictate to their suppliers the type of product they require for their specific end product. Bakers also have the option of manipulating their flours in the same manner as the miller. Quality control personnel use the Falling Number value as a quality control tool to help assure the consistency of both incoming and outgoing products helping save time and money. 

Pasta and Noodle Manufacturing

Producing noodles from flour with a low Falling Number is difficult as it leads to difficulties in dough handling, cutting, extrusion, and product sticking to machinery. It also results in an off-color end consumer product which will be sticky after it is boiled. Using flour with the correct Falling Number® will result in savings through improved processing as well as a higher quality end product. 


Sound, viable grains are required for a high germination rate in malting barley. Several studies have shown that barley that has pre-germinated in the field has a decreased ability to germinate during the malting process, leading to high levels of beta-glucan in the wort. Even barley with a low degree of pre-germination will be affected. The ability to germinate further decreases during storage, and barley with acceptable germination at harvest could - just months later - exhibit germinations significantly lower than the generally requested 95%. The slight pre-germination cannot be detected through visual inspection. 

To avoid purchase of pre-germinated barley the Falling Number analysis can be used for screening the barley intake. The method is rapid and determines if the barley is pre-germinated within 5 minutes. 

FN > 250 Sound barley, batch OK for intake 

FN < 250 Pre-germinated. Risk for poor germination, further tests required. 

Falling Number 1000

FN 1000是最新和最现代的Falling Number®仪器型号,提供了许多新的优点和改进的功能。这是一个双分析系统,适用于任何需要可靠分析和高容量分析。


Falling Number 1310

FN 1310是我们的基本型号,它允许用户以超值的价格购买一个原版的Perten系统。它是为快速、方便地进行降落数值试验而设计的自动单次分析系统。FN 1310的高质量标准为您的投资提供高回报。


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