Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) | PerkinElmer

Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)


为了识别和定量挥发性和半挥发性化合物,无缝集成的Clarus™SQ 8 GC/MS可实现高通量及高灵敏度,可满足最严格的环境要求。食品供应商有能力应对质量和安全挑战。工业公司可以改善其产品的质量和安全性。取证实验室可以更快地获得实验结果,以应对紧急的事件。

如果您不了解样品中的成分,我们的AxION® iQT™ GC/MS/MS给为您提供答案。专为目标和非目标成分分析而设计,可为样品提供卓越的表征,是化学化工、石油、食品和个人护理产品应用的理想选择。

通过我们易于操作(和携带)Torion® T-9便携式GC/MS,您可以将实验室带到样品现场。Torion专为现场检测而设计,采用LTM(低热质)毛细管色谱柱的气相色谱可以提供足以与实验室色谱仪器相媲美的色谱分离效果及表现。从运行复杂分析的高性能台式系统到应对最苛刻的现场应用,我们拥有合适的GC/MS解决方案来满足您的需求,帮您实现更快,更好和更自信的决策。

  • GCMS 2400 System

GCMS 2400 System

The GC 2400 Platform enables access to information on the go, so labs can make faster, guided decisions. Now lab analysts can be anywhere- in or out of the lab- and monitor the status and progress of their sample runs on a detachable touchscreen.



GC/MS: Optimized Semivolatile Organic Compounds (SVOC) Analysis in Compliance with EPA Method 8270E

For more than 40 years, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has monitored semivolatile organic compounds (SVOC) in wastes, soils/sediments, ...

When Productivity Meets Challenging Matrices: Tips and Tricks for GC/MS and Purge and Trap for EPA 8260 Compliance

As analytical workloads have increased, labs analyzing Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in soils and water by purge and trap with a gas chromatograph mass spec ...

Getting the Best Results from your GC/MS: Smoothing your Processing Parameters

Through the GC University series, you’ll gain experience from experts in method development, standard methods, sample preparation, instrument operation, optimiz ...

Explore Our Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Portfolio

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